Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 1

This is my first post to my first blog. I never dreamed I would ever be a blogger, (heck I didn't even know what a blog was until recently), but I wanted a place where I could share the coupon deals I was getting with my friends, my family, and who knows maybe, eventually, the world.

It all started in January 2009 with an article in the Kentucky Enquirer about Heather, a woman from our area, known as Little Miss Know It All. I read the article; checked out her website; and was amazed by the deals she was getting. The next thing you know, I am sitting in a 5 hour class (with 50 strangers) in Hebron, KY learning all the secrets to becoming a Coupon Queen.

Well, I know I said it all started in January 2009, but it actually started much earlier than that. My Mom, an old school Coupon Queen and the Queen of my heart, has used coupons for as long as I can remember. I used them too...if I found one for a product I used, and I remembered to bring it along to the store, and then I remembered to get it out (or find it) when I checked out. I was far from being a Coupon Queen, I was more like a coupon peasant. I did learn a lot about couponing in Heather's class and recommend it to everyone. There is also a ton of information available on Heather's site to help everyone become Coupon Queens, even a peasant like me. Well, actually it has been almost a month since the class and I am feeling much more like a Coupon Princess these days. I have a stockpile of several free items now decorating every available empty spot in the house and I haven't paid for toilet paper in over a month! No, we aren't recycling toilet paper, if that is what you are thinking. I actually get free Cottonelle on a regular basis at Kroger. Only the best for a Coupon Princess's tushy.

Seriously, since I am very new to this, I am going to leave the teaching to the full-fledged Coupon Queens. I will post links to all my favorites and you can learn just like I did. Eventually, when I know more about blogging, I will post more. I haven't seen any County Market deals posted on any blogs and I occasionally get great deals there. Just a couple weeks ago they had 10lb. bags of Idaho potatoes for $1 a bag. It was customer appreciation week and I almost missed it...a Coupon Queen would have been all over it.

Well, that's it for now.
Good luck on your journey to becoming a Coupon Queen.